Welcome to the SP4K blog!
Welcome to the new and improved Sensory Pathways 4 Kids website and blog! Here you will find helpful information, events going on around the area and tools or information to add into your family’s daily routine to make getting from point A to point B a little easier. Enjoy!
Now that we are getting into the colder weather, we do not have the luxury to go outside and take advantage of the long sunny days like we did in the summer. How can we get the same input to help regulate these kiddo’s nervous systems? This helpful handout may give you ideas of movements needed for appropriate input on these wintery days. Have fun with it! Movement can be a challenge so if you can add in games or add it into your transitions then your children will enjoy the non-preferred activity, more often. Make it a competition! How many can you do the next day? I bet you can hold it longer tomorrow! :)
Get Moving!