Sensory Friendly Holiday!

With the holidays coming up, we try to keep as much as we can consistent but it can be difficult at times. Below is a helpful handout and creative gift ideas to help keep things routine with all the holiday cheer.

A lot of what we can do to further success with sensory kiddos during the holidays is keeping them busy with appropriate tools that are not screen related and that can help with with a lot of other skills that your child is working on. These times are very hectic, inconsistent, full of family and friends and at times, can be a huge change in routine. Classes/school tend to be less academic focused, kiddos struggle with focus and attention and the weather gets a bit colder. As much consistency during these times will help you, and your kiddo, keep and hold onto sanity.

I stumbled across a great holiday handout from that has some great ideas to help improve fine motor coordination, eye-hand coordination, motor planning, imagination, handwriting, visual perception, drawing, strategy and of course sensory friendly ideas that are great for those family and friends looking for creative gifts to give.

Happy Holidays from Sensory Pathways 4 Kids!

Kim Reiss